Modified Cars Needed for Exciting New Feature Film!
Do you own a colourful or chrome modified car?
A new film requires lots of modified vehicles for a car-meet scene
filming in North-East London in February 2024.
Production are looking for bright paint jobs, neon lights, chrome & matt finishes, large decals and bodykit mods.
Filming in late February, all dates will be Night Shoots (shooting hours as late as 04:00AM).
If interested, you will need to upload pictures of your vehicle to your Extra People profile.
PACT/FAA Night Shoot Rates + Vehicle Provision Bonus
Approx £190-320+ per night, depending on hours worked.
Part of the modified-car scene? Share this page with your friends!
Filming in North-East London.
Late February 2024!
You must be 18yrs+ to apply.
Don’t yet have an Extra People or Entertainment Partners profile? Please click the link below and apply.
Make sure your “Current Look” photos are up-to-date on your profile (within the last three months).
Upload Pictures of your car to the photo category ,“Your Vehicle”.
Add additional car pictures to any other photo categories - we’ll find them.
Email with your full name and Profile ID number once you’ve uploaded your car pictures to your profile.
Fill in your profile application as much as possible.
We need to see exactly what you look like, so please go to your profile photos and add:
Current Look: Full Length
Current Look: Front
Current Look: Side
Current Look: Back

Once you’ve submitted an application, message Zoe to let her know - be sure to give the same name and email address as your profile.
The Extra People Team
Please note, You will not become an employee of Extra People.
You must have a right to work in the UK. You will be asked to prove this with either a passport or birth certificate.