Comprehensive Production Support


Children’s Talent, Expertly Cast.

Extra People Juniors simplifies booking child artists.

We offer a curated database of thousands of diverse, availability-checked children, each recently photographed, measured and acquainted with our casting team in person.


Our agency maintains a roster of highly experienced and dedicated professional chaperones, each with impressive CVs detailing numerous prominent film and television productions. Their primary focus is the safety and well-being of the children in their care, while also ensuring seamless collaboration with production teams.

Out of Hours Service

We’re well aware of how decisions are changed, call-times altered and important developments happen outside of the 9-5 day. That is why our clients receive a dedicated booking agent with 24/7 support and access to our team's on-set expertise, informed by firsthand experience as supporting artists, chaperones and Crowd ADs.

We Know Our Artists

Our ongoing child-artist development includes interactive training and a comprehensive guides, ensuring both child and parent are familiar with our high industry standards. We actively engage with our young performers and their parents through in-person meetings, newsletters and online feedback.

Precisely the Right Artists

We excel at precise casting, utilizing our extensive database and social media reach to fulfill unique requirements. We also offer street casting services, approaching individuals professionally and safely. With state-of-the-art software, we efficiently locate artists nationwide, even in remote locations.

Contact us with your brief for immediate assistance.