For Supporting Artists
I have a Query; what's the best contact?
For any queries related to your profile, please email
For booking queries, be sure to reply to the last email you had regarding that production.
Your query will go to the correct inbox.
If you are chasing payment, please contact
For all other general queries, email
For all EXP Junior related queries, email
Due to the nature of our work and how busy it is,
we find it easiest to communicate via email which we’ll often follow up with a phone call.
If you fill out the form below, we will respond as soon as we get a chance.
Please use this form to get in touch if you are an artiste. Please do not use the production contact form.
Completing the form below will go to the Team inbox.
Check above to make sure that this is the correct email you’d like to contact.
Please allow 14 days for your enquiry to be dealt with. We are very busy and not always able to help with technical or new application enquiries straight away.
If you simply want to sign up, please just fill in the application form on the top right of the this page and when we are ready to get in touch, we will be.
Many Thanks,
The EP Team