The Job Review is sent to you shortly after you have finished your day on set, and contains a breakdown of the wages that you have earned from that day.
These breakdowns are known as “chits” and most agencies, including Extra People, deliver these to you as paperless “digital chits”.
They are filled out and submitted by the Crowd 2nd Assistant Director from production, the crew member that signs you in and signs you out each filming day.
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Each Job Reviews enables you to accept or query your pay if you believe there is a mistake or something missing from your chit.
Your Job Review is ‘active’ for 24 hours after it is sent to you, after which the invoicing process will begin and you will no longer be able to query your pay.
If you believe that your pay is correct, you should click the green “Accept” button as soon as possible.
Don’t worry if you miss the 24 hour window to accept the review. We will take it that the chit is correct and will process the invoice as normal.
If instead you see a problem and open a query, our bookers will immediately see this and get in touch with the Crowd 2nd AD at production to resolve the issue.
Once your query is resolved, you should still click “Accept” as soon as possible - these queried job reviews will not close until you do so.
A queried job review that is left in limbo slows the payment process and will incur delays to you receiving your wages.
These resolved-yet-open queries clog up our system because they appear as high-priority issues our bookers have to deal with. Since the bookers can do nothing but wait for you to accept the Job Review, these queries distract them from the issues that they can actually resolve.
Extra People works on very high end TV productions and we do our due diligence to ensure productions fill out these job reviews correctly.
Whilst we hope that the Crowd 2nd AD always submits these reviews for artistes accurately, we can’t deny that occasionally some things slip through the cracks.
Please curb the instinct to raise burning pitchforks at the injustice of a missing haircut fee from your chit. See below how to write a query politely and professionally:
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Phone/Tablet users - pinch to zoom!
We want to stress that these mistakes are never done out of malice, or as part of some sinister scheme to defraud you. We ask that you remember the human; the Crowd 2nd AD works very long hours and completes these chits for hundreds - potentially thousands - of SAs each week.
This is exactly why this review process exists - so you can flag if anything is missing or wrong.
Below is a glossary of abbreviations and terms you will encounter on your Job Reviews:
Status - Designation of how far along you are in the booking process.
Character - The name of the role you performed.
Call - Call Time - The time you were signed in.
Wrap - Wrap Time - The time you were signed out.
Basic - Basic Rate - Your flat rate for the day.
H/C - Holiday Credit - Artistes are entitled to holiday pay which is calculated at 10.77% of the Basic rate.
O/T - OverTime - Paid half-hourly after your basic day rate concludes until your sign-out time.
B/M - Broken Meal - Payment in the instance that your lunch was provided after 6 hours from your call time (or from 7am if you call time is before 7am) or your one-hour lunch break was broken.
S/F - Supplementary Fees - Bonus for specific contributions you provided that are beyond the standard background fare.
E/C - Early Call - Paid half-hourly for your time before 07:00 AM.
Turnaround - Payment if you have less than 11 hours rest between the last sign-out and the next sign-in on the same production. Paid for every half-hour below 11 hours.
T/A - Travel Allowance - Compensation for any travel expenses incurred.
M/A - Meal Allowance - Payment in the instance production fail to provide meals.
Additional Fees - Any other expenses owed that are subject to agency commission.
Exp - Expenses - Any other expenses owed that are not subject to agency commission.
Tip: Screenshot this glossary for your own reference!
To learn more about these rates, click here for our Rates page.
Did you know? There’s a new FAA/PACT rate card for 2024!
These 2024 rates to come into effect for all new productions from 1st January 2024.
We hope that this article has helped you understand Job Reviews a little better, and if you enjoyed this article, feel free to check out others on The Advice Centre.
Many thanks,
The Extra People Team.