How To Communicate With The Agency

We receive hundreds of emails every day.
Each booker is juggling multiple productions.
There’s only so many hours to get things done.

Within this hectic environment, we have a limited capacity to respond to every email. Nothing slows us down like an email with only half the information we need, so here’s how to make your email as easy to respond to and action as possible.

Let's look at a bad example.

Subject: Sorry

Hey team,

Unfortunately I can no longer do the waiter role.

Thanks, Leo.

It may seem obvious to Leo what he’s referring to.

Unfortunately for us though, many questions need to be answered for us to know if this is a high priority issue or not.

Which production are you referring to?
What dates are involved?
Which booker are you trying to reach?
Were you booked or were you just available?

Sadly, these sorts of emails are all too common. Now the fastest way for us to find out the desired info is to find Leo’s profile on the platform.

This is where we encounter a new set of problems that slow us down even more.

Our example, Leo, has emailed us from
Little do we know, his profile is attached to a completely different email entirely, This means that we can’t use the email address to find his profile.

Great, we’ll just try his name instead. Ah - he’s signed off with only his first name.

There’s 37 Leos, 24 Leonardos and 11 Leons on the database. And this is assuming Leo isn’t actually a stage name or nickname.

Now we’ve hit a dead end, we’re gonna have to ask him to clarify further details. Meanwhile Leo’s just stepped on set and isn’t going to check his inbox for another 3 hours.


Let’s try this again, properly this time.

Subject: No Longer Available on ‘Titanic 2’ filming 24th June 2024.

Hey, Christie.

I am no longer available for the waiter role for ‘Titanic 2’ filming on Monday 24th June.

I wasn’t yet booked, I was only available.

Thanks, Leonardo DiCaprio [8475025]

Perfect. Now we know exactly who in the office needs to see this email, which production and dates are concerned and that this isn’t a high-priority issue.

Leo has even provided his Profile ID number, which gives us another avenue to search for him on the database and makes sure there’s absolutely no ambiguity that we’re speaking to the right person.

Your Profile ID can be found at the top of your profile, next to your name.

Perfect Email Checklist:

  • Sign off with the same name as it appears on your profile.

  • Email us from the same email attached to your profile.

  • Adding your Profile ID number helps us make sure we’re talking to the right person

    • This is really helpful if you have a common name. For example, there are fourteen David Smith’s on our platform.

  • Tell us the exact nature of your issue. Always include:

    • Production name (as it appears in your enquiries)

    • Dates Involved

    • The character role

    • The booker’s name (if you know it - usually at the bottom of the enquiry)

    • Your status - whether you are:

      • Booked

      • Pencilled

      • Available

      • Not Available

      • Released

Side note: Only use high priority words such as ‘Urgent’ and ‘Emergency’ when your issue concerns a confirmed booking for today or tomorrow.

It helps everyone when words retain their meaning. Trust us, it’s never an emergency if you’re struggling to upload a new DBS Certificate or you’ve accidentally clicked “Tidy/Trim” instead of “Full Cut/Restyle” in response to a haircut question at the bottom of an availability enquiry.

Speaking of…

Availability Enquiry Response Etiquette

Sometimes we encounter sarcastic responses to some of the questions we ask at the bottom of availability enquiries.

These responses are often included on the look-books that get sent to production. No one will think you’re witty, you’ve just created more work for us. Unprofessional responses will almost always disqualify you from the role.

We know it can be tedious to answer the same repetitive questions regarding haircuts, facial hair, transport, dietary requirements etc, but we ask these each time because we need to make sure we’re always operating off your latest preferences.

Always be careful and take your time - correcting wrong answers because you answered too quickly slows us down. And obviously, please be accurate and truthful. For example, only say that you’re a driver if you’re actually a driver with your own vehicle. This information can affect half a dozen different factors, including what call time you’ll be given. It’s embarrassing for all involved to find out on the morning of a filming day that you’ll be two hours late because you’re relying on trains instead.

Similarly, if there is a text box for you to fill in an answer, please be concise. Some use the text box to write an essay, which doesn’t help. This often happens when we ask about acting experience. We don’t need to know you starred in a school production of ‘Oliver!’ three decades ago. Less is more - think no more than two sentences. If you’re really experienced, a relevant link such as a Spotlight link will do. Otherwise we’ll likely condense your response ourselves so it fits cleanly on the lookbook.

Finally, a word on Mandatory and Optional Dates

Mandatory dates include all filming dates that you must be available for to be put forward for consideration. This is because you will be needed across multiple dates for continuity purposes.

Optional dates are additional dates that you don't have to be available for in order to be put forward for consideration. However, the more optional dates that you are available for, the better - this gives the production greater flexibility and may increase your chance of booking.

If you respond 'Available' to optional dates but 'Not Available' to mandatory dates, you will be released from consideration.

If a role demands a fitting, you will only need to attend one fitting date.
If there is more than one fitting date available, they will all be optional.
You must chose at least one fitting date to be considered for the role.

Nothing quite grinds a bookers’ gears quite like people that respond ‘Available’ to Filming dates and ‘Not Available’ to any Fitting dates, or vice versa.

We get it - you’re letting us know that you can’t do those fitting dates, but perhaps they’ll be more offered later and you can defo make the filming!

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like this. If more fitting dates become available later, we’ll re-check your availability in a new enquiry. It’s much better for us if you just respond “Not Available” to all dates if you cannot make one of the fitting dates.

Anything that helps us at the agency work more efficiently means that we can focus on the important tasks that gets you booked! It’s not always obvious from the Supporting Artiste’s side what info we prioritise, so hopefully this blog has given a clearer insight into our workflow!

Many Thanks,
The Extra People Team.

Log in to your Extra People profile HERE!

Have an Entertainment Partners profile? Try HERE.


The email address to use for any profile-related issue is

If you have any booking enquiries please reply to the last email concerning that project. Your email will go to a dedicated email for that production.

If you have general enquiries that are not pay or booking related, please contact

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when the productions you’ve worked on are released. Follow us to stay informed!